Dr. Koneni V. Sashidhara, received his M.Sc (Organic Chemistry) from The M.S University, Baroda and Ph.D from CSIR-CIMAP Lucknow. He was a visiting scientist for one year each at University of California, Santa Cruz, with Prof. Phillip Crews and University of California, San Diego with Prof. William Fenical. He joined CSIR-CDRI as scientist in 2005 and currently holds the title of a Head (SAIF&R) and Chief Scientist (MPC).
His group at CDRI has been working on unique natural products, and the goal is to fully exploit the biosynthetic and therapeutic potential of untapped biodiversity for drug discovery. Candidate compounds are investigated for further development through interactive chemistry and pharmacology efforts. In addition, the group also evaluates the scientific basis of certain natural product preparations that are being used in traditional system of medicine.
He is the recipient of both BOYSCAST Fellowship (2007-2008) and INDO-US Research Fellowship (2012) from DST, Govt of India and Indo-US S&T Forum, respectively. Other notable awards he has received include- six CDRI incentive awards in appreciation of his excellent research work resulting in publication in high impact factor journals, two best patent awards from CDRI, most cited author award from ELSEVIER, and a receipt of EMPOWER research grant from CSIR. Dr. Sashidhara has to his credit an impressive list of over 140 research publications in international journals of high repute, resulting in a total number of citations of more than 4000 with H index, 48. He has (15) patents to his credit and so far guided 19 Ph.Ds. He has also been recently figured in the Stanford list of world’s top 2% scientists.
Ph.D. (Chemistry)
Dr. R. M. L. Avadh University, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh
(Work carried out in CSIR-CIMAP*)
M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)
The M.S. University,
Vadodara, Gujarat
Andhra University,
Waltair, Andhra Pradesh
Awards and Scholarships
Editorial Board Member for "Scientific Reports", a journal from Nature publishing Group, the publishers of Nature, Since 2015.
Recipient of Certificate of Outstanding Contribution in reviewing awarded by The Editors of EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY, in recognition of the contributions made to the quality of the journal. (May, 2015).
Recipient of two CDRI best patent Awards for grant of two United States Patents as Principal Inventor (US Patent no's- 8815940 and 89215417) (2015).
Recipient of Indo-US Research Fellowship Award: 2012 by Indo-US Science and Technology Forum.
Bioorganic and Medicinal Chemistry Letters Top 25 Cited Author Award in 2010 to 2011 by ELSEVIER.
Certificate of Appreciation given by American Chemical Society for valuable contribution and dedicated service in the peer review of manuscripts submitted to ACS journals.
Recipient of six CDRI Incentive Awards for excellent research work resulting in the research publication in high impact factor journals. (in "British Journal of Pharmacology 2010, Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis 2012, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2013, Green Chemistry, 2015, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2019, Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2021).
Recipient of EMPOWER (Encouraging and Motivating Pursuit of World Class Exploratory Research) research grant by Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) New Delhi. (2010)
Recipient of BOYSCAST fellowship (2007-2008) of DST, Govt. of India.
FAST TRACK project for young scientist approved by DST, Govt. of India. (2008).
Dr. K. V. Sashidhara
Chief Scientist,
Medicinal and Process Chemistry, CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute
B.S. 10/1, Sector 10, Jankipuram Extension, Sitapur Road Lucknow- 226031, U.P., India.
©2022 by Dr. K. V. Sashidhara
Design and developed by Jay Gupta